We believe that ethics is neither optional nor an impediment to a highly effective coaching and consulting practice.
In fact, rather than being seen as a burden or additional expense, it's our firm conviction that ethical coaching and consulting serves not only as a powerful competitive differentiator but that it is, in fact, the most profitable and effective form of coaching and consulting.
Our ethics & guiding philosophy are fairly simple and can be boiled down to this.
Here It Is:
a. We view the world through a prism of abundance rather than scarcity.
b. Life and coaching is not and has never been a zero-sum game.
c. Short-term decision-making and short-sighted perspectives mean smaller payoffs.
d. We always strive to leave people (candidates, clients, co-workers, employees, employers, etc.) in a better place than
where we initially found them.
In fact, rather than being seen as a burden or additional expense, it's our firm conviction that ethical coaching and consulting serves not only as a powerful competitive differentiator but that it is, in fact, the most profitable and effective form of coaching and consulting.
Our ethics & guiding philosophy are fairly simple and can be boiled down to this.
Here It Is:
a. We view the world through a prism of abundance rather than scarcity.
b. Life and coaching is not and has never been a zero-sum game.
c. Short-term decision-making and short-sighted perspectives mean smaller payoffs.
d. We always strive to leave people (candidates, clients, co-workers, employees, employers, etc.) in a better place than
where we initially found them.