Here is a brief outline of how the Asia-Pacific Coaching Alliance's "Protect" mandate functions:
1) APCA serves as the primary advocate and industry watchdog for coaches in the Asia-Pacific region.
2) APCA assists coaches in mitigating or eliminating client-related risks (both for themselves and their clients) in the Asia-Pacific region.
3) APCA assists coaches in mitigating or eliminating legal exposure (both for themselves and their clients) in the Asia-Pacific region.
1) APCA serves as the primary advocate and industry watchdog for coaches in the Asia-Pacific region.
2) APCA assists coaches in mitigating or eliminating client-related risks (both for themselves and their clients) in the Asia-Pacific region.
3) APCA assists coaches in mitigating or eliminating legal exposure (both for themselves and their clients) in the Asia-Pacific region.
In addition to the litigious nature of modern society, we are also operating in an industry and market that more often than not possesses huge informational asymmetries. These types of informational and explicit power imbalances can easily be abused.
We strive to remedy these imbalances and informational asymmetries by providing a continuum of valuable market information and by functioning as an informational clearinghouse.
We strive to remedy these imbalances and informational asymmetries by providing a continuum of valuable market information and by functioning as an informational clearinghouse.